Sunday, 13 November 2011

Getting close now

Today is a day of excitement mixed with a bit of stress.  As I prepare to leave for Israel on Tuesday I still have a long list of things to do both at home and at work.  I trust God will help me make the most of my time and I know it will get done even if my sleep has to suffer (after all I can sleep on the plane, right?)

I am glad I just got my passport renewed recently so I didn't have to worry about that.  It is also nice to be going to a country that doesn't require me getting any shots.  I got my flu shot last week and that's all I need!

So tonight is finishing up laundry and tomorrow at work I will do payroll so the LIFE staff will be able to pay their bills while I'm away!

Speaking of LIFE, I will be on the morning show tomorrow morning with Ben and Maria on LIFE 100.3 at approximately 8:40am.  Be sure to listen for more details about my trip to Israel and how it could involve YOU.

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