If you know the song "It's a long way to Tiperary" then you know the tune to which our tour guide was singing "It's a long way to Tel Aviv" today.
We left Eilat in the south and traveled through the Negev desert region northwest. In total it is about 5 hours but we made a few stops along the way.
I still find it funny after almost a week when I see a camel crossing sign. You see them drinking from troughs not far from the sides of the road.
On our journey today we saw gazelles and ibex (mountain goats) in the wild. We also passed through the valley of Ha Ela where David slayed Goliath. We had some amazing views of Canaan and the Ramon Crater. To the east we could see Petra in the distance and to the west Mount Sinai.
As we arrived in Tel Aviv we were told by our guide that this city has many cyclists and the most outdoor restaurants and cafes in all of Israel. I hope to enjoy both while I'm here as well as a walk along the beach on the Mediterranean Sea.
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